Jeff Cochran, Pastor

Church Office                                                   Manse/Pastor

513 Seabury St., PO Box 303                                                                     606 Sixth St., PO Box 29

Effingham Ks. 66023                                                                                         Effingham, Ks.  66023

913-833-4481 Office                                                                                            913-833-2379  Manse

Email:  effunionsec@gmail.com                                      Email: effunionpastor@gmail.com

Cindy Pangburn, Sec.                                                                                                 Jeff Cochran


Sunday School all ages 9AM

(during Sept to May

Worship Services 10AM

(9 AM from June thru August)


Women's Circles:

Mary-Martha Circle 

(1st Wed. of Feb, June,

Sept, & Nov @ 7:00 p.m.)

Nite Circle 

(3rd Monday of mo. @ 7:00 p.m.)


Call the Church for details.


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Presbyterian Connections





2024 Graduates

Don't forget that the Effingham Union Church provides financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to any graduating senior that is an active participant in Worship service and/or Sunday School.

Click on this link to the scholarship application/instructions.



Find below the calendar of the church activities

and the planned use of the facilities.



To Reserve use of any facility email:

 effunionch@gmail.com or effunionsec@gmail.com


Facility Use Rules/Application Form


To volunteer for snow removal or lawn mowing email: effunionch@gmail.com


Below are seven different methods of making a gift on Match Day!

1.  Give at the Live event at the Atchison Event Center from 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on Friday, August 18, 2023.

Each half-hour one donor name from the live event will be drawn to win $500 for the participating fund of their choice beginning at 4:30 p.m.

2. Give Online at www.ALLABOARDATCHISON.com

Gifts can be made online from 12:00 a.m. Thursday, August 17 - 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 20.

The homepage on this website will change to the online giving form beginning at 12:00 a.m. on August 17.

3. Mail a check to Atchison Area Community Foundation at P.O. Box 249, Atchison, KS 66002

Download 2023 All Aboard Atchison Donation form, which will be available on this website.

Mail form along with one check for the TOTAL donation amount made out to AACF.

Must be postmarked on or before August 20, 2023.

4. Donate by Donor Advised Fund

Fill out the Match Day Donation Form with your donation preferences and personal information. 

Call Marla or Sally at the GMCF office, at 785-587-8995

Bring in, mail, or email the completed match day donation form to GMCF.

5. A Gift of Grain donation: Must be arranged prior to Match Day

A gift of grain can be utilized for Match Day giving, but planning ahead is important for the grain producer, grain elevator, and the community foundation.  If you are interested in donating grain, please call GMCF at (785)587-8995 and ask for Marla.

6.  Donate from an IRA account: Must be arranged through your professional advisor prior to Match Day

Donors can use an IRA or other retirement assets such as a 401(k), Keogh, or 403(b) to make All Aboard Atchison Match Day donations.  Your personal tax advisor can help you make this transaction prior to August 20, 2023.

7. To Donate by Stock:  Must be completed at least one week prior to Match Day

Step 1.  Fill out the match day donation form

Step 2.  Call Marla or Sally from the GMCF office at 785-587-8995, who will provide you with the transfer instructions for a brokerage firm

Step 3.  Deliver transfer instructions to your brokerage firm

Notify GMCF with the following information:

A.  Name of brokerage firm sending stock

B.  Name of stock being transferred

C.  Number of shares being transferred

Step 4.  Mail or email the match day donation form to GMCF at PO Box 1127, Manhattan, KS 66505, foundation@mcfks.org

*A completed 2023 All Aboard Atchison Match Day Donation Form MUST be submitted to GMCF for all types of donations.


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